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Preparation for Your Online Hypnosis Session

Terms and Agreements 

This information is for only for clients that have already booked a session with me.

Equipment needed:

  • *  Laptop or mobile device with camera facing the bed where you will be lying down. (Please do not use a phone)  PLUG IN THE DEVICE!
  • *  I must be able to see your whole face at all times so the laptop should be set up where it will not be disturbed if you move or need to get up to use the toilet.
  • *  Zoom application on your device.
  • *  Headset with microphone. (see picture for sample) You must be able to move the microphone in front of mouth. (no gaming headsets.  No ear buds as I won’t be able to hear you when you move)  Bluetooth headsets frequently run out of power, so use one that connects with a USB connector.
  • *  Please test your equipment before our call (sound settings - speaker and microphone)
  • *  You should have a fast internet connection


  • Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and can talk and express your emotions freely and loudly without friends or family members listening in or interrupting.
  • Check the best position for your laptop’s camera. The lights need to be on, and the camera needs to be close enough so that I can see your whole face and part of your chest.  You can prop your laptop up on an ironing board, a box, or books to get a higher angle. (A side view is preferred)


  • *  Click on the link and download this Client Information and Agreement Form   (How to fill out a PDF with your MAC, phone or laptop)
  • *  Send me your Client Information form before as soon as possible. It must be received within one week of booking your session or by the date I send you.  You can go to https://www.pdffiller.com/ to fill out your form, sign it.  Share the document through the Client Portal.  Access your Client Portal here
  • *  You will join me on Zoom at your appointment time. (You may want to arrive a few minutes early)
  • *  We will test the equipment to be sure I can hear you over your headset's microphone  In your Zoom settings, raise the volume of the microphone)
  • *  We will do the hypnosis session after the interview, so be seated in front of your laptop (not lying down) when we begin our zoom call

Final Payment:  An invoice will be sent to you for the remaining balance a week before your appointment.

Please note:

  • *  Cell phones should not be used to do the session and should be put in airplane mode (even if it's in silent mode, you will hear it vibrating)
  • *  No other people allowed in the room or listening in on the call with you during the session
  • *  Recording of your session is not permitted.  I will be recording your session and will send it to you.
  • *  I will send you a copy of your session (video) via WeTransfer.com.  Do not upload to social media.   I reserve all rights to the recording. 
  • *  If the call drops during the session, you will simply open your eyes and reconnect to the zoom meeting
  • *  I may be using sound instruments during your session  (tuning forks, singing bowls or tibetan bowl)
  • Check out my relaxation and visualization video.  Here's the link:  https://youtu.be/aWgloOVA7sY

What does your soul need to heal during this session?  (Think in terms of symptoms, phobias, unexplained pains, fears)

  • *  Please do not send me any additional information about yourself or questions to ask your Higher Self!  This is hypnotherapy and we will be working on what your soul needs to heal.
  • *  We will focus on your present and your past, not about future events.
  • *  This is a sacred session for the healing of your soul. The issues we will address will be about YOU and your life - not about somebody else, nor world, environmental, political nor galactic issues. 
  • *  Please do not go into a session with the idea that your video will be posted on YouTube. 
  • I will be doing hypnotherapy (not QHHT) and will dive deep into personal issues which do not get posted on social media.

Set your intention to have a great session but without any expectations

Your intention to having a great session is key!  This is about working on YOU so set an intention to release energetic blockages that have been holding you back.

No recreational drugs or alcohol  

Be sober.  Please do not take any drugs to relax you.  No alcohol, marijuana, or relaxation pills.  Hypnotherapy is about connecting with your emotions and this cannot be accomplished if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Prescribed medications from your doctor should not be stopped but be aware that antidepressants may affect the ability to go into a hypnotic trance and/or connect with emotions.

Get used to my voice

I will be focusing on connecting with your emotions, so you do NOT need to be relaxed.  It is normal to be nervous before a session so just close your eyes and bring your awareness to your breath and then to any part of your body where you notice tension. Breathe into that space until you feel the tension lessen or dissolve. Remain in that space for as long as you can, locating any tension until your entire body is easily and effortlessly relaxed. You can practice listening to my voice with my visualization video. If you fall asleep, it is ok.

Get a good night's sleep

You need to be alert, be able to focus and follow my instructions. I cannot facilitate a proper session when a person's mind is too tired and exhausted to focus. If you meditate, do so on the day of your appointment to help clear your mind. If you don’t meditate, then do something that calms you like taking a nice relaxing walk, petting your pet or listening to some soothing music.  

What to eat/drink

Your session can be between 3 to 4 hours so eat something light before your your session. Don’t forget to drink lots of water! Your session will not be affected if you need to empty your bladder during your session. (Each time you go in and out of hypnosis, you actually go deeper.)

Your session:  

Before the hypnosis session, I will be spending time getting to know you, reviewing your issues and discussing what to expect and not to expect. The actual hypnosis session takes place after the discussion. Your session is a private session. It is a place where both you and I need to feel completely safe, and that your confidentiality in all matters is observed. Because of this, no one else is permitted in the room or listening over the phone or other device during your session.  If someone will be in the home with you, please request that they do not interrupt you during your session, no matter what they hear from you.

No expectations

Each hypnosis session is totally unique, and you will experience exactly what you need. Release any expectation of what you should feel like when you're in a hypnotic trance or what your session will be like.  All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and I am simply the facilitator.  

  • Hypnosis is NOT sleep. You will be wide awake and aware during your whole experience.
  • You are NEVER unconscious. Since hypnosis is NOT SLEEP, it doesn't feel like a dream you wake up from and then forget.
  • It feels more like a daydream and the majority of people know exactly what they're saying at all times and remember mostly everything.
  • Most people think they're making it all up. That's normal because imagination is the key to accessing information from the subconscious and unconscious.  Hypnosis is a normal altered state of focused awareness.  Just enjoy the experience and let your soul guide you.

Video Recording

I do not record our interview or induction but your hypnosis session will be recorded via Zoom.  I will send you a copy via WeTransfer.com.  You may share your recording with family and friends at your discretion but do NOT upload it onto the internet. I reserve all rights to the recording, so do not re-upload any videos.

Sessions on YouTube

Due to the personal nature of the sessions, most of my hypnosis sessions are not published on YouTube.  If your session has information that would be beneficial for others to hear, I will ask at the end of your session if you want to share it. If you agree, it will be edited with my brand and I will remove any private information, names, personal information and proprietary hypnotherapy techniques out of the recording.

After Your Session:  

You may be fully alert but deeply relaxed and may find yourself in a semi to very blissful state. Sometimes, clients feel like their body is buzzing with energy.  Sometimes you may feel like vomiting or taking a long nap. You may feel lost or get upset and think that you weren't hypnotized at all and made it all up; that's normal.  Be sure to drink a lot of water and eat something after the session so that it will ground you. 

When you receive the recording, download it to your computer because the link will soon expire.  Do NOT listen to it while driving your car! You will continue to receive new insights and self-healing each time you listen to the recording.  

Sometimes it can take some time to process everything that has happened during a session, especially since we are working in the Quantum Realm and many meaningful things can happen in such a short period of time. Remember that your soul continues to heal after the session.  Pay attention to synchronicities.