TVP (Terapia Vidas Pasadas) aka Past Life Therapy
TVP (Past Life Therapy) is a transpersonal technique taught by Dr. Jose Lis Cabouli, who resides in Spain. It consists of bringing to the habitual consciousness the hidden traumatic experiences of this life and of previous existences and that from the shadow of the subconscious are disturbing our current life, to work them therapeutically.
TVP is a therapy of the soul because the pains are in the soul, and it is the soul that needs to be healed. The cause of every psychic pain, of every behavior and of every wrong attitude lies in the soul.
By facilitating the conscious encounter with the soul, TVP not only helps us to resolve the pains and emotions that disturb us in our daily life, but also leads us to understand the meaning, the reason, and the importance of this life.